Basic Linux Commands For Beginners!*

1. ```pwd```

:-To know which directory you are in, Use This CMD

2. ```ls```

:-To know what files are in the directory you are in.  You can see hidden files with ```ls -a```

3. ```cd```

:-Use if you want to go to a directory. If you are in a folder and you want to go to your home folder just type ```cd```

4. ```mkdir```

:-To create a new directory.

5. ```rmdir```

:-To remove a directory.

6. ```rm```

:-To remove a file.

7. ```touch```

:-To create a file.

8. ```man```

:-To know more about a command.

9. ```--help```

:-Same function as 8.

10. ```cp```

:-To copy files.

11. ```mv```

:-To move files and rename files.

12. ```locate```

:-To locate a file.

13. ```echo```

:-Used to move data, especially text into a file.

14. ```cat```

:-To display the contents of a file. 

15. ```nano```

:-to create & edit files.

16. ```vi```

:-Same function as 15.

17. ```sudo```

:-To use any command with superuser privilege.

18. ```df```

:-To see the available disk space in each of the partitions in your system.

19. ```du```

:-To know the disk usage of a file in your system.

20. ```tar```

:-To work with tarballs (or files compressed in a tarball archive)

21. ```zip```

:-To compress files into a zip archive.

22. ```unzip```

:-To extract files from a zip archive.

23. ```uname```

:-To show the information about the system your Linux distro is running.

24. ```apt-get```

:-To work with packages in the Linux command line.

25. ```chmod```

:-To make a file executable and to change the permissions granted to it in Linux.

26. ```hostname```

:-To know your name in your host or network.

27. ```ping```

:-To check your connection to a server.

28. ```netcat/nc```

:-To connect to a server.

29. ```nmap```

:-To scan an IP or Port.

30. ```free```

:-To display amount of free and used RAM in the system, also prints the swap space stats.
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